The Foreign-Owned Factory in China

Wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) refer to companies, enterprises, other economic organizations, or individuals from foreign countries that establish enterprises in China (such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen) in accordance with Chinese laws, and whose entire capital is invested by foreign investors in mainland China.
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Foreign Representative Office In China

The company helps customers set up representative offices (offices) in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Kunshan and other places in China. Representative offices in the mainland cannot engage in direct business activities in the mainland, that is, they cannot sign commercial contracts...
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Branches in China

Registering a branch office or subsidiary in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, or Xiamen in mainland China involves setting up a non-independent legal entity that operates as a branch of the parent company.
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Subsidiaries In China

Corporate reinvestment is when a company invests in other companies. This kind of investment activity is allowed because, as a legal person, the company has the right to use funds independently and can invest its own funds in the operations of other companies. If you want to set up a subsidiary in mainland China, you must find a professional agency.
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Service Type Company Set Up

Service-type companies are engaged in services industries are subject to prescribed business activities of enterprises.Service-type refers to the manufacturing process of industrial structure dominated the shift to service-oriented changes.
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Trading Company Set Up

If you want to invest in China, you need to carefully plan when choosing the type of company to apply for. At present, the most common type is a commercial and trading company.
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