What is the complete Offshore Company Registration?
- したがって、完全なオフショア会社登録サービスは、会社の登録を完了することだけではなく、顧客がその運用ニーズを達成できるようにするための延長サービスを提供することです。
- 例えば、銀行口座の開設、口座開設書類の準備、専任者の同行予約、口座開設のQ&Aなどです。各銀行の口座開設要件や必要書類は異なるため、企業の責任者は必要書類の準備が不十分であったり、開設手続きに不慣れであるため、時間を無駄にしたり、何度も往復することがあります。場合によっては口座開設を拒否されることもあります。また、投資目的のオフショア会社の場合、投資プロセスで不要な時間とコストを避けるために関連書類の大使館認証やビジネス英語翻訳を提供する必要があります。
- 匯佳国際は顧客サービスを重視しており、顧客が求めるものはオフショア会社の登録だけではないことを深く理解しています。登録が完了した後も、さらなる深度のサービスを提供し、オフショア会社の運用を円滑に行えるようにする必要があります。
オフショア会社(Offshore Company)は、海外法人としても知られており、OBU会社と呼ばれることもあります。一般的に、オフショア会社の登録地としてよく選ばれる場所には、英領バージン諸島(BVI)やサモア(Samoa)などがあります。オフショア会社を選ぶ際や運営する際には、まず各国の会社の特性を理解することが重要です…続きを読む >>
Overseas companies are also called offshore companies, and some people call them OBU companies. Common places to register offshore companies are the B.V.I. and Samoa companies. As for how to choose and operate overseas companies, we should first understand the characteristics of companies in each country…Receive the best>>
In fact, the procedure for handling an offshore company is not complicated and is very fast. What is important is the subsequent operation and maintenance, how to comply with the latest policies and regulations, and operate in the most convenient and cost-effective way. It is recommended that companies still seek experienced agencies. +886-2-2557-5607
境外公司也称为离岸公司(Offshore Company),也有人称做OBU公司,常见注册离岸公司的地点如英属维京群岛BVI、萨摩亚Samoa公司。对于境外公司如何选择以及运作,首先应对各国公司特性有所了解…阅读更多>>
境外公司也稱為離岸公司(Offshore Company),也有人稱做OBU公司,常見註冊離岸公司的地點如英屬維京群島BVI、薩摩亞Samoa公司。對於境外公司如何選擇以及運作,首先應對各國公司特性有所了解….閱讀更多>>
フィリピンは英語圏の国ではありますが、その政策基準と各部門が確実に連携していないため、手続きの効率や書類がやや複雑です。さらに詳細な情報が必要な場合は、いつでもご連絡ください。 +886-2-2557-5607。
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The Philippine government now allows foreign investors to set up joint stock companies, branches or offices in the Philippines. As long as the projects are not included in the negative list, they can be 100% wholly owned.When establishing a Philippine company, the minimum registered capital of a foreign-funded company is US$200,000; if a retail project is involved, it must be more than US$500,000; the capital amount can be allocated based on actual local needs. Receive the best>>
Although the Philippines is an English-speaking country, its policies and various departments are not really linked, so the work efficiency and documents are more complicated. For further relevant information, please contact us to confirm +886-2-2557-5607.
The Japanese government allows foreign entities to establish limited liability companies (LLCs) in Japan, with no specific restrictions on investment projects.
However, since Japanese companies are required to have their registered capital actually paid in, the process of securing the funds from shareholders is a common challenge for investors.
To facilitate the flow of funds and the opening of bank accounts, it is generally recommended to have a local resident or partner as a company shareholder to streamline the initial application process.
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For detailed application procedures, please feel free to contact us at +886-2-2557-5607
The Japanese government allows foreign entities to establish limited liability companies (LLCs) in Japan, with no specific restrictions on investment projects.
However, since Japanese companies are required to have their registered capital actually paid in, the process of securing the funds from shareholders is a common challenge for investors.
To facilitate the flow of funds and the opening of bank accounts, it is generally recommended to have a local resident or partner as a company shareholder to streamline the initial application process.
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For detailed application procedures, please feel free to contact us at +886-2-2557-5607