Inter Area
Global Service Range
- “Now, the pace of change is so fast, the balance between efficiency and resilience of the supply chain.“
- Digital transformation and innovation; changes in consumer preferences; accelerated integration of enterprises… InterArea integrates multiple services of the system to provide Businesses or individuals, are more based on environmental and communication sustainability and inclusion, so we can really think horizontally rather than vertically. And if we can get creative and innovative with it, it will have a lot of impact on the investing business in the long run, and it can even extend to the entire economy.
Inter Area Service Item
Inter Area
Global Service Range
- “Now, the pace of change is so fast, the balance between efficiency and resilience of the supply chain.“
- Digital transformation and innovation; changes in consumer preferences; accelerated integration of enterprises… InterArea integrates multiple services of the system to provide Businesses or individuals, are more based on environmental and communication sustainability and inclusion, so we can really think horizontally rather than vertically. And if we can get creative and innovative with it, it will have a lot of impact on the investing business in the long run, and it can even extend to the entire economy.
Inter Area Service Item
China Trade Co. Reg. / Service Co. Reg.
Philippine Foreign Company Registration
Taiwan Co. / Branch Reg.
Equity / Other Change
Accounting Tax Agency Bookkeeping Service
Tax Review / Audit Report
VAT Application
Import And Export Rights Record Application
Overseas Income Exempt Company
Offshore Tax-free Island Company
Overseas Account Open
Embassy Certification
Local Business Service
Notarization of Local Documents
Banking Services Management
Trademark Registration Application
The importance of the Asia-Pacific market, the middle class will grow rapidly, with an average growth rate of more than 5%. So everything is gradually coming to fruition, but the key to making this work is that there should be more forward-looking planning efforts to maintain a solid economic position in the region. Keeping tabs on the latest developments and responding in a timely manner, while we listen to advice, we continue to grow and diversify towards the outcomes we seek to achieve, that’s how our policies work, that’s how we work.
Inter Area continuously improves the speed of service integration with the spirit of innovation, and accelerates the more powerful and powerful mobility of enterprise operation. Whether it is a general enterprise or an individual business unit, we are committed to ensuring the sustainable development of customers, catering to all changes and challenges in business operations, and ensuring that customer demand is the main axis. Observe the trend of enterprise operation from a global perspective, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises through the process of vertical integration. Further enhance visibility, improve the quality and speed of services, create complementary and win-win advantages, strive to meet customer needs, reduce uncertain variables, and shape new types of competitiveness. Expand global business services for customers and strengthen the negotiation of internal and external upstream and downstream supply chains, practice the principle of serving customers as the orientation, and fulfill the cultural concept of serving the enterprise to expand the territory.
オフショア会社(Offshore Company)は、海外法人としても知られており、OBU会社と呼ばれることもあります。一般的に、オフショア会社の登録地としてよく選ばれる場所には、英領バージン諸島(BVI)やサモア(Samoa)などがあります。オフショア会社を選ぶ際や運営する際には、まず各国の会社の特性を理解することが重要です…続きを読む >>
Overseas companies are also called offshore companies, and some people call them OBU companies. Common places to register offshore companies are the B.V.I. and Samoa companies. As for how to choose and operate overseas companies, we should first understand the characteristics of companies in each country…Receive the best>>
In fact, the procedure for handling an offshore company is not complicated and is very fast. What is important is the subsequent operation and maintenance, how to comply with the latest policies and regulations, and operate in the most convenient and cost-effective way. It is recommended that companies still seek experienced agencies. +886-2-2557-5607
境外公司也称为离岸公司(Offshore Company),也有人称做OBU公司,常见注册离岸公司的地点如英属维京群岛BVI、萨摩亚Samoa公司。对于境外公司如何选择以及运作,首先应对各国公司特性有所了解…阅读更多>>
境外公司也稱為離岸公司(Offshore Company),也有人稱做OBU公司,常見註冊離岸公司的地點如英屬維京群島BVI、薩摩亞Samoa公司。對於境外公司如何選擇以及運作,首先應對各國公司特性有所了解….閱讀更多>>
フィリピンは英語圏の国ではありますが、その政策基準と各部門が確実に連携していないため、手続きの効率や書類がやや複雑です。さらに詳細な情報が必要な場合は、いつでもご連絡ください。 +886-2-2557-5607。
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The Philippine government now allows foreign investors to set up joint stock companies, branches or offices in the Philippines. As long as the projects are not included in the negative list, they can be 100% wholly owned.When establishing a Philippine company, the minimum registered capital of a foreign-funded company is US$200,000; if a retail project is involved, it must be more than US$500,000; the capital amount can be allocated based on actual local needs. Receive the best>>
Although the Philippines is an English-speaking country, its policies and various departments are not really linked, so the work efficiency and documents are more complicated. For further relevant information, please contact us to confirm +886-2-2557-5607.
The Japanese government allows foreign entities to establish limited liability companies (LLCs) in Japan, with no specific restrictions on investment projects.
However, since Japanese companies are required to have their registered capital actually paid in, the process of securing the funds from shareholders is a common challenge for investors.
To facilitate the flow of funds and the opening of bank accounts, it is generally recommended to have a local resident or partner as a company shareholder to streamline the initial application process.
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For detailed application procedures, please feel free to contact us at +886-2-2557-5607
The Japanese government allows foreign entities to establish limited liability companies (LLCs) in Japan, with no specific restrictions on investment projects.
However, since Japanese companies are required to have their registered capital actually paid in, the process of securing the funds from shareholders is a common challenge for investors.
To facilitate the flow of funds and the opening of bank accounts, it is generally recommended to have a local resident or partner as a company shareholder to streamline the initial application process.
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For detailed application procedures, please feel free to contact us at +886-2-2557-5607
具体申请细节,欢迎来电与我们联系。 +886-2-2557-5607
具體申請細節,歡迎來電與我們聯繫。 +886-2-2557-5607
菲律宾虽为英语系国家,但其政策与各部门未能确实联动,因此办事效率与文件显得较为复杂,进一步相关信息可与我们联系确认 +886-2-2557-5607。
菲律賓雖為英語系國家,但其政策與各部門未能確實聯動,因此辦事效率與文件顯得較為複雜,進一步相關資訊可與我們聯繫確認 +886-2-2557-5607。
フィリピンは英語圏の国ではありますが、その政策基準と各部門が確実に連携していないため、手続きの効率や書類がやや複雑です。さらに詳細な情報が必要な場合は、いつでもご連絡ください。 +886-2-2557-5607。
Under Taiwan’s tax regulations, if a Taiwanese tax resident holds more than 50% of the shares in a company located in a low-tax jurisdiction (with a tax rate of 14% or less) or has substantial control over such a company, and the annual earnings exceed NT 7 million, they must comply with the Individual Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) reporting requirements.
Regarding the CFC regime, we need to understand how to “defer taxation on earnings effectively,” how to “ensure autonomous and free movement of funds within legal frameworks,” and how to “enhance the allocation of resources across different countries.”
We should proactively diversify our planning to respond to the uncertainties of the environment. It is recommended to consult with experts to discuss your specific situation at +886-2-2557-5607, thoroughly evaluate your circumstances, and then make the most appropriate adjustments and plans.
Singaporean banks allow foreign companies or individuals to open bank accounts in Singapore.
Personal Accounts: Generally, banks will require individuals to deposit the required minimum amount and provide proof of their source of funds.
Corporate Accounts: For foreign companies opening an offshore account in Singapore, banks will require sufficient documentation of overseas business activities and proof of the company’s operations to ensure the authenticity of the account user’s business. Read More>>
Different banks have their own conditions and rules, so it is crucial to research your options based on your situation. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact the Inter Area manager at +886-2-2557-5607.
台湾の税務居住者が海外において、低税負担国(税率14%以下)の会社の株式を50%以上保有している場合、または実質的な支配能力を持っている場合、当該年度の利益が NT$700 万元を超えると、個人CFC(Controlled Foreign Company)の申告が必要です。
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必要がある場合は、いつでも匯佳マネージャー(+886-2-2557-5607) にご連絡ください。
若台湾税务居民于海外持有境外低税负国家之公司股权50%以上,或具有实质控制能力,当年度盈余超过NT 700万元者,须配合申报个人CFC。
我们应当未雨绸缪多角化规划来应映环境情势的不确定性。建议与专家联系讨论 +886-2-2557-5607,详实评估自身情况,再做出最合适的调整与规划。
不同的银行有自己的条件与规则,因此根据您的情况研究您的选择非常重要,若有进一步需要可随时与汇佳经理联系 +886-2-2557-5607。
具體申請細節,歡迎來電與我們聯繫。 +886-2-2557-5607
不同的銀行有自己的條件與規則,因此根據您的情況研究您的選擇非常重要,若有進一步需要可隨時與匯佳經理聯繫 +886-2-2557-5607。